Welcome to Our BelowGround School
Better crops will not feed the world, better microbes will. Healthy soil brimming with billions upon billions of beneficial soil citizens (microbial community) remains the foundation of productive, regenerative agriculture and we train farmers on how to deep-dive into the mind-blowing world of the microbes and the foodweb structure to begin to rapidly restore the soil ecosystem to its natural state, so that plants can flourish and soil carbon stock can be increased.

Growing An Army of Soil Health Specialists and Advocates
With the new clarity and vision to be gained under our tutelage, farmers and other stakeholders will begin to understand the many biotic and abiotic elements that make up the soil ecosystem.
More specifically, farmers will acquire the knowledge for proper application of biology into the soil essentially understanding how many micrograms of bacteria, fungi, protozoa and the number of nematodes that are needed to constitute a complete foodweb of organisms in the soil with all the conditions necessary to keep them aerobically functioning.
Farming Beneficial Microbes

Through our belowground health advocacy and training programmes, farmers and other stakeholders are shown how to easily discover and identify in their immediate locations (no matter your location) the activities of beneficial microbial community that makes a healthy soil to function regeneratively and how it can drastically quicken the farmer’s soil regeneration plans and processes.
Growing Microbial Population
We also take a deep dive with farmers and other stakeholders into our immersive composting training programme during which time, you will be experientially taught our reliable and proven compost building process in conditions where beneficial microbes flourish and multiply, while pathogens are either killed or go dormant.
Farmers’ Regenerative Baptism
Following the immersive understanding of the belowground microbial community and the foodweb structure, we can help farmers and other stakeholders to achieve yet another mindset shift necessary to transition from degenerative agriculture paradigm to regenerative agriculture paradigm, and ultimately teaching them how to build and protect healthy soils that make for:

Increased Soil Carbon to reverse climate change.

Increased Water Holding Capacity and Infiltration to improve drought tolerance and restores water supplies.

Increased Soil Aggregation and Soil Life to create more fertility and the ability to feed the world.

Increased Nutrient Availability and Retention.